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Remodelado #572

14 marca 2010 - Lisboa, Calcada de Sao Francisco: This is Lisboa tram #572 - honest! One of several places on the amazing Carris network where you wonder just how the tram stays on the track, particularly on this corner, where you can watch one wheel actually leave the rails as it turns. These rebuilt, traditional four-wheeled trams actually have very powerful motors and can sail up gradients such as this with ease.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Lisboa (Lisboa) | Właściciel: Carris Lisboa | Organizator: Caris Lisboa | Linia: 28

Komentarze: 2

Remodelado #577

22 marca 2010 - Lisboa, Rua Vitor Cordon: **My 3000th TWB photo** This seemed like a good idea when I posted picture #1 in 2009! Anyway, although I don`t have much tech. nical skill, I have tried to inform with subjects I find interesting but not seen here before. This is mLisboa, of course - a tram fan`s paradise. It never ceases to amaze, how they get trams to climb these gradients safely.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Lisboa (Lisboa) | Właściciel: Carris Lisboa | Organizator: Caris Lisboa | Linia: 28

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